Date Set For Pedro Seminar

Bujinkan practitioners in Zurich are in for a treat as Pedro Fleitas, a seasoned martial artist, brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to the city.


With over 122 trips to Japan since 1988, Pedro has honed his skills under the tutelage of his teacher, Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi, the renowned figurehead of Bujinkan.


Renowned for his dedication and expertise, Pedro stands as one of the first Westerners to attain the highest degree in the Bujinkan martial arts. Having conducted more than 900 seminars worldwide, his teachings encompass the essence of Hatsumi Sensei's philosophy and techniques.


Beyond his mastery in Bujinkan, Pedro is a versatile practitioner, proficient in disciplines such as Amatsu, osteopathy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and yoga.


With a passion for sharing his knowledge, Pedro continues to inspire and educate practitioners globally, making Zurich the next stop on his journey of imparting the wisdom of Bujinkan.

Lessons From Jake Sharpstone

Dai Shihan Jake Sharpstone will be teaching at the Bujinkan Cambridge Dojo on the 1st June. He'll be sharing the wisdom gained from the Nagato seminar in Lithuania. £20 in advance or £25 on the door.

Noguchi Sensei Coming to Dublin

Namiryu Dojo has just announced an eagerly anticipated event in Dublin. Yukio Noguchi, esteemed senior Bujinkan instructor and the 19th head of the Koto Ryu tradition, will be leading a special seminar in September 2025. While specific details about the seminar remain scarce at this time, practitioners can expect an exceptional learning experience from one of the most respected figures in the Bujinkan community. Be sure to mark your calendars and keep an eye out for further updates. 

Meanwhile, renowned instructor Kacem Zoughari will be hosting a workshop in Lausanne, Switzerland, from May 25th to 26th. The weekend will focus on naginata and koppojutsu, providing participants with a unique opportunity to deepen their understanding of these traditional martial arts disciplines. 

Ishizuka Sensei's First Book Ships Worldwide

In a momentous occasion for the Bujinkan community, Ishizuka Tetsuji Sensei has been presented with the first printed copy of his inaugural book, 'Gyokko Ryu: Legacy & Techniques.' This milestone, announced via a heartfelt Facebook post from Ryugi Shuppan, marks a significant achievement in Ishizuka Sensei's journey—a culmination of years of dedication, study, and profound insights into the Gyokko Ryu tradition.


Accompanying Ishizuka Sensei in this moment of triumph are his esteemed students Aida-San, Ogawa-San, and Adrien-San, who were also gifted copies of the book. Their unwavering support and commitment to the art reflect the profound camaraderie and mutual respect within the Bujinkan community.


As the printed copies of 'Gyokko Ryu: Legacy & Techniques' make their way into the hands of eager readers worldwide, Ishizuka Sensei's vision and teachings are poised to leave an indelible mark on martial arts practitioners everywhere. Translated into English by dedicated disciple and historian Kacem Zoughari, with design by Roberto Chaves and editorial oversight from William Ustav, the book promises to be a comprehensive guide to the profound teachings of Gyokko Ryu.


As the Bujinkan community eagerly embraces this seminal work, 'Gyokko Ryu: Legacy & Techniques' stands as a testament to Ishizuka Sensei's unwavering dedication to preserving and disseminating the timeless wisdom of Gyokko Ryu for generations to come.

Forthcoming events

Five Bujinkan Instructors Elevated to Menkyo Kaiden in Shinden Fudo Ryu

In a significant milestone for the Bujinkan community, five esteemed practitioners have been honored with the prestigious title of Menkyo Kaiden in Shinden Fudo Ryu. This coveted recognition, bestowed by Nagato Sensei, marks the pinnacle of achievement in the martial arts world, symbolizing a complete mastery of the discipline and a deep understanding of its principles.


Menkyo kaiden, translating to "license of total transmission," is the highest level of license within the menkyo system—an accolade reserved for those who have not only dedicated decades to their practice but have also demonstrated exceptional skill and proficiency in their art. It signifies a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of the ko-ryū, reflecting a lifetime of commitment to honing one's craft.


Among the distinguished recipients of this esteemed honor are Duncan Stewart from Tasmania, Ed Lomax from Australia, Marc Jahan from Germany, David Waryu from Spain, and Michael Schjerling from Denmark. Each of these individuals has exemplified the highest standards of martial excellence, embodying the spirit of dedication, perseverance, and humility that defines the Bujinkan tradition.


This momentous occasion not only celebrates the achievements of these exceptional practitioners but also underscores the enduring legacy of Shinden Fudo Ryu within the Bujinkan community. It serves as a testament to the continued commitment to excellence and the relentless pursuit of mastery that defines the martial arts journey.

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The Essence of Kamae 


Dive into the world of traditional Japanese martial arts with insights from the latest Shugyo podcast episode. Join Adam Mitchell, a 6th Dan Jinenkan instructor, and Mark Franco, a seasoned Shihan in the Bujinkan, as they unravel the mysteries of 'kamae.' From foundational principles to advanced applications, discover the profound significance of kamae in combat. Get ready to explore both physical and mental dimensions and unlock the secrets to mastering your stance.


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The Art of Suijutsu


Dive into the untold world of the samurai's aquatic expertise with our exploration of Suijutsu—the ancient art of Japanese swimming. Discover how these legendary warriors navigated rivers, moats, and oceans with precision and finesse, mastering the art of combat in the water. From swimming in full armor to executing strategic maneuvers, learn how Suijutsu shaped battlefield tactics and showcased the samurai's versatility.


Unravel the secrets of Samurai Aquatic Mastery

Unveiling the Modern-Day Spy: The Art of Disguise


The ancient ninja of Japan were not only masters of stealth and combat but also experts in the art of disguise. Renowned for their ability to infiltrate enemy territory and gather crucial intelligence, the ninja employed a variety of disguises to move undetected among their adversaries. Centuries later, the tradition of using disguise as a strategic tool lives on in the realm of modern espionage.

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